Young people-friendly spaces

While on a night out recently in a UK town centre I couldn’t help noticing the sheer number of groups of teenagers, listlessly hanging around with apparently nothing to do (and, before you ask, no, this wasn’t late night double vision!)

The traditional havens for young teenagers – playgrounds and parks – have been steadily eroded over the last decade, as local authorities have pulled purse strings ever tighter (Play England calculates spending dropped by over 25% in the 10 years to 2021). As a keen advocate of green spaces this is of real concern.

It set me thinking about how well our urban spaces are catering for this demographic cohort/all-too-easily overlooked tribe, especially during the lengthy summer holidays. Sadly, the fact that similar groups of young people can be found in most UK major towns and cities every night suggests that the answer is currently ‘not very’.


We all know that early teenage years can be a tricky time, especially for those aged 11-16 (we won’t use the term ‘tweenager’, though some do). Seeking independence, they shun activities with their parents, but often don’t have the financial resources to fund their own leisure activities. The fact that many venues aren’t in any case open to them on age-restriction grounds leaves them with few destinations to choose from for evening/weekend socialising.


The traditional havens for young teenagers – playgrounds and parks – have been steadily eroded over the last decade, as local authorities have pulled purse strings ever tighter (Play England calculates spending dropped by over 25% in the 10 years to 2021). As a keen advocate of green spaces this is of real concern.


Indoor spaces for young teenagers have been similarly cut back. Once upon a time, most communities had a youth club. These typically volunteer-run spaces were based in a large room/hall and offered activities like table tennis and music. They weren’t perfect (the premises were often rather run-down) but they offered a safe location for young teenagers to socialise.


I’m perturbed that many have been lost in recent years due to funding cuts. Over one-third of clubs in London were shut down between 2011 and 2021. And the YMCA reckons 760 centres in England & Wales have closed since 2010, with real term funding of youth services having been chopped back by 70%. This has gone hand in hand with reduced spending o


If you’re wondering what has this has to do with urban centres, the YMCA points out that the consequences of funding reductions include knife crime and mental health difficulties that ultimately affect us all.


The government claims it recognises the issue and last year launched its £560m National Youth Guarantee that pledges to give every young person access to clubs and activities by 2025. Realistically, though, much more needs to be done and I believe the property industry is particularly well placed to help out.


At P-THREE, we are often encouraging developers to consider the creation of community spaces as an integral part of the planning of new mixed use developments, rather than a last-minute add-on.


Getting the balance right between stick and carrot won’t be straightforward. Some landlords are already asking their operator tenants to sign up to a social charter, that can specifically include provision of activities for young people.


Kudos to the landlords for addressing the issue, but I wonder whether it might be better for operators to evolve their own charters, that reflect that organisation’s culture, rather than having ones imposed on them.


Both traditional, recreation-orientated, youth clubs and new generation youth & community spaces* – that provide vocational learning opportunities and workspaces – have wider benefits than simply reducing anti-social behaviour. Their inclusion in new developments, as well as existing shopping centres, high streets and housing schemes, provides activation throughout the day and builds up a relationship with young people and their local property surroundings. Just one example is what our clients at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park delivered at City Mill Skate with a semi-permeant skate park research project.


Funding these spaces – not just the initial capital expenditure on fitting them out, but the on-going cost of maintaining and renewing facilities – will often be an issue. For me, the most equitable solution will be one that’s shared between public and private partners.


The ‘returns’ will benefit us all.


*  A couple of new generation youth & community spaces in London that I think well illustrate the trend of combining vocational training with recreational activities are: The Engine Room at Hale Village, Tottenham Hale and The RecordShop at Wood Green Shopping City.

Article by Thomas Rose, Co-founder P-THREE


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